Wintry conditions can be stressful for trees, especially newly planted trees that don’t have a wide enough root system.

Even though it is wet and cold, it is important to take care of your trees, including tree pruning, mulching and watering. Let’s look at a few winter care tips for trees in your backyard.
Late autumn to early winter is a good time to add mulch around your trees. A thin layer, about two inches, is recommended. Mulching insulates soil and tree roots against extreme temperatures and slows water loss from the soil. Remember not to pile the mulch under the tree trunk.
Regular tree pruning to take care of weak branches:
Branches are more vulnerable to breakage during the winter. Particularly for deciduous trees, the wood hardens and becomes somewhat more brittle and susceptible to wind damage. Dying, damaged and diseased branches of trees are also weak and the wet winter weather can weaken them further.
Regular tree pruning, including in winter, is essential to keep your trees – and surrounding property – safe. If you are not comfortable pruning or don’t have the right equipment for tree pruning, call in a professional arborist.
Watering your trees:
It is important to keep trees, especially newly planted ones well hydrated. When there is no rain, not an entirely uncommon occurrence in winter, you must provide plants the required moisture for sustenance.
Reduce animal damage:
Mice, rabbits and deer can all cause severe damage to plants in the winter by feeding on twigs, bark, leaves and stems. They can eat shrubs to the ground and also girdle trees and shrubs by chewing through the bark.
Mulching helps protect trees from rodents. Wire mesh enclosures can protect them from rabbits and deer. Bait is another option to keep the rodents away, but be careful when using it if you have children around.
Wrap your trees:
Below freezing temperatures can affect young and tropical trees more than others. Cover susceptible trees and plants with burlap, sheets, tarps, etc., that extend to the ground to trap in the earth’s accumulated warmth. Use a frame or stakes to minimise contact between the cover and the foliage.
Some potted plants will benefit from being brought indoors or kept in protected areas. Keep checking that the soil is moist as it absorbs more solar radiation than dry ground.
To conclude:
Winter may be a dormant time for the trees, but they still need regular care. Call our team of expert arborists to help you get through winter and make sure your trees are well cared for throughout the colder months. Treescape’s team of friendly arborists is available to answer your questions around winter tree care. Drop us a line today.
Are you looking for a professional to assess the health of the trees in your backyard? The Treescape team of certified arborists can guide you through the process, helping you with both urgent and preventative tree care needs.