Treescape Health & Safety Leadership Staff Award
This internal Award was established and facilitated by Treescape Safety Team. Managers were asked to put forward the names of their crew members who stood out to them in some way, be it in the area of safety or innovation, for being a key team member and initiating positive change, or something else of merit.

Each nomination told a story of an individual who had gone above and beyond, to take the time to report issues, engage with the wider team, or ensure improvement in a certain area was achieved. Together we received five nominations. Here are just some examples of what they were saying:
“He has reported several times issues with vehicles including the fact a spare tyre was not roadworthy, allowing us to tag it out and get it fixed the following day”
“His years of experience brings a calm, collective approach which is very visible in the following areas: customer feedback; low maintenance cost on equipment; consistent high daily income.”
“He is a long-serving, dedicated, hard-working employee with a strong safety attitude who gets on with all levels of staff and customers. He has helped train and mentor many staff.”

Meet the Winner – Tobias (Toby) Cerhak
The inaugural winner in this award was Tobias (Toby) Cerhak, who has, having commenced with Treescape in Auckland in 2016, been part of the Wellington team since 2018. His manager, Kevin Birdsall, put him forward, saying
“Toby actively pursues a high standard of work and working safely. He personally takes time to ensure the client is getting the service they should get from Treescape and goes out of his way to make sure this happens. He has the ability to engage with the client and listen and interpret their needs while promoting a good service, this is evident by the work he supervised and completes for Recreational Services on the Horowhenua Street Tree Maintenance contract…”
Chief Operating Officer Murray Matheson presented the award at the Wellington Safety Day on the 30th of July, together with the Wellington Business Manager Kevin Birdsall (pictured).
The prize
The prize is a working axe handcrafted in Masterton by a company called Tuatahi, which is well known worldwide for producing first class woodchopping axes.
Chief People and Safety Officer, Patrick Crofskey, will coordinate nominations for the awards twice each year, with the next award process taking place in early December.
Nominations for the December awards will be open from October 2021.