The team at the Wellington depot felt like they’d earnt a Christmas party at the end of 2021, not least of all for succeeding through all the challenges that the Covid pandemic and lockdowns presented. It was the perfect time therefore to celebrate the achievements of one person who has dedicated the last ten years of his life to Treescape, through the Staff Awards process.

Meet the Winner – Chris Paine
Chris Paine had received numerous nominations following on from the first Staff Awards process in July. Managers agreed that he stood out as the obvious contender, so then the only challenge became to keep it under wraps until the big reveal.
Chris Paine is nearing 10 years at Treescape, bringing a wealth of knowledge from his earlier years performing tree work in the UK, and being involved in the Forestry and Utility Arborist industries in New Zealand.
Chris is an active promoter for working safely near powerlines and is a lead trainer and mentor for our Utility Arborists. Chris is always promoting safe work techniques and ensuring that procedures are followed when trimming trees near powerlines. He always encourages people to work safely and goes out of his way to ensure we have a safe and competent work force. Among the many pearls of wisdom Chris has up his sleeve, is the old but true saying of “the safest way is usually the quickest, when done properly”.
A credit to Chris is the recent accomplishment for 12 of our people to achieve the Level 4 Utility Arborist qualification through Connexis. A big achievement for the students, and one that was assured as a result of his mentorship and support. Well done Chris and thank you for all your energy you’ve put into being an outstanding Field Assessor for Treescape.
The next award nominations will open in May for a July presentation. Staff can put forward names of people they feel are deserving for the award to their managers.
Treescape Health & Safety Leadership Staff Award
This internal Award was established and facilitated by Treescape Safety Team. Managers were asked to put forward the names of their crew members who stood out to them in some way, be it in the area of safety or innovation, for being a key team member and initiating positive change, or something else of merit.
The prize is a working axe handcrafted in Masterton by a company called Tuatahi, which is well known worldwide for producing first class woodchopping axes.