Now that Auckland region has moved to Alert Level 3, we will be working SAFELY and fully operational, open for business for all work across all areas.
We will be using a stringent framework for operating within the Alert Level 3 protocols to ensure that we operate and keep our employees, communities and clients safe.
We are committed to working alongside the Government to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in New Zealand. As a business leader in our industry we are united against COVID-19 and will do our utmost to protect our staff and the wider community.
In a nutshell, at Level 3, only work that can be conducted safely will be completed. We have developed three documents, aligned with the Ministry of Health procedures and guidelines to keep our employees, communities and customers safe.
- COVID-19 Pandemic and Business Continuity Plan
- COVID-19 Daily Hazard Management Form
- COVID-19 Depot Operations Plan
Working Safely
Under Alert Level 3 we will be fully operational and open for business for all work across all areas including the key sectors of:

Under Alert Level 3 we have these safety precautions in place:

- Employees over 65 years old and with underlying medical conditions (that may make them more vulnerable to COVID-19) are required to stay at home.
- Employee health monitoring at the start of each shift and at the start of each job.
- Specific protocol to deal with employee’s who are symptomatic at work.
- Implementation of COVID-19 vaccination programme for all employees (subject to availability of vaccine).

- Crews provided with soap and water.
- Crew required to establish hygiene station at every work site.
- Vehicles and common areas cleaned at the start and finish of each day.
- Crews advised and directed to follow Ministry of Health Guidelines around PPE and hygiene.

- Maximum number of employees are working from home.
- Minimum number of employees at work, required to complete tasks safely.
- Maximum of 2 people per vehicle.
- Crew required to maintain 2M+ distance from others including clients and members ofthe public.
- Restricted visitor access to offices and worksites.
- Split operations with staggered starts & finishes.
- Remote crew handovers.
- Crew audits and briefings done at safe distance.

- In accordance with COVID-19 specific Daily Hazard Management Form.
- Specific site plans to deal with increased numbers of pedestrians and the requirement to maintain social distances.
- Sign in and out procedures to capture details and to allow for ‘Contact Tracing’.
- Site visitors checked on arrival to work sites and asked to confirm that they have not arrived into NZ in the last 14 days, not been in contact with someone with COVID-19 and have not got any COVID-19 symptoms.
- Non-essential travel between depots restricted.

- COVID-19 specific Crew Audit form developed and implemented.
- Additional resource provided to increase the number of COVID-19 Crew Audits being conducted at work sites during Level 3.
- Subcontractors to Treescape monitored to ensure they have the right COVID-19 hygiene and social distancing measures in place.
- Site Plans that document the movements and activities of workers across the site to allow for a detailed understanding of contacts to enable full Contact Tracing in the event exposure to COVID-19.